5 Essential Summer Safety Tips

5 Essential Summer Safety Tips - Moose Jaw, SK

1. Avoid bug bites

Mosquitoes, no-see-ums and ticks are out in Moose Jaw.  Deep woods off with Deet is the best for mosquitoes.  Deet wards off ticks (which can carry Lyme disease) and mosquitoes (which can spread West Nile virus). Paediatricians recommend 10% to 30% DEET for children older than 2 months, but don’t use it on infants.  Wearing a scented lotion can help with keeping away bugs.   If mosquitoes become too much then a Mosquito propane trap will help.

2. Keep hydrated

Prevent heat stress and heat stroke by staying hydrated – with water.  Adults and children should stay hydrated when outside on hot and humid days.

3. Avoid sunburns!

Use a “broad-spectrum” sunscreen which is effective for both UVB and UVA rays.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, getting one blistering sunburn when you are a kid doubles your chances of developing melanoma.

You should also layer in other protection.  Seek shard and wear hats and light clothing to help bock the sun.  Limit your sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when UV rays are the strongest.”

4. Swim Smart

Basic water safety skills are essential. Swimming pools, lakes and rivers offer year-round fun if they are enjoyed safely. Swimming in Lake Diefenbaker, Buffalo Pound, Regina Beach or the Kinsmen swimming pool should be done with care.  Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death for children under five years old, and statistics show that children under 12, boaters, young men and seniors 65+ are at greatest risk.

Drowning is fast and silent, but every drowning death is preventable with water safety knowledge and common sense.

Important water safety tips for everyone:

  • Learn to swim
  • Always swim with a buddy
  • Children and non-swimmers should always be supervised around water
  • Wear a lifejacket whenever you are in a boat
  • Alcohol and water don’t mix: don’t drink and swim, don’t drink and drive your boat


Under no circumstances should your child be left in the car.  Your card can increase in temperature approximately 10 degrees per minute.

When you put your child in the back of the vehicle in a car seat, place your wallet/purse there so when you leave the car you will look in the backseat.  You may be thinking of other things and forget your child if they are sleeping.  You may also keep a small stuffed animal in the car and every time you get in, place the small stuffed animal in your lap as a reminder that your child is in the backseat.  This may save your child’s life.

Have a fun and safe summer holiday!

Moose Jaw Insurance





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